Myllin Safir, Global Sourcing Manager of Esdec US, with the support of Enstall associates, successfully donated and transported non-perishable food items, power packs for soldiers, clothes, and two fully operating solar systems to villages in Ukraine negatively impacted by the Russian attacks.
The drive, about 4500 km roundtrip to Lwowek Slaski, Poland and back, was made possible with a convoy of 18 sprinter vans. This fleet, consisting of 16 French and 2 Polish vans, backed Myllin in his brave excursion to transport the donated supplies and solar panels from Poland to the Ukraine. Myllin traveled to various villages Southeast of Kiev near the Sea of Azov to drop off the supplies where needed. The two solar systems were also delivered safely to two underserved areas that would benefit from solar energy.
“The trip went well without many roadblocks. It was heartbreaking to see the poverty and what little people have to live off, but it was rewarding being able to give back solar panels and supplies to those who need them. I am grateful for the support and generosity that Esdec Solar Group and our associates have provided me throughout this journey.” – Myllin Safir, Global Sourcing Manager, Esdec US.