At University Elementary School at La Fiesta (UELF), the educational philosophy revolves around cultivating active, inquisitive, creative, and influential young thinkers. We hold three core principles close to our hearts: constructivism, diversity, and community.
The invaluable support from the PTA, including the Walk-A-Thon fundraiser, enables our students to engage in exciting science and engineering projects. This funding plays a pivotal role in sustaining the Maker Room, a space where students embark on a journey of building and creating educational models that demonstrate their understanding of scientific concepts.
Within the Maker Room, students have access to cutting-edge tools, including two 3D printers, a laser cutter, sewing machines, a poster maker, Lego robot kits, and an array of supplies. This year, our school community is focusing on two captivating areas of science: the exploration of the watershed ecosystem and the intricate world of technical design for a game.
Furthermore, with the support of the PTA, our students have the incredible opportunity to participate in workshops led by Caine Monroy, gaining deeper insights into the planning and design aspects of engineering.
UELF is a place where we wholeheartedly embrace Project-Based Learning (PBL). We encourage our students to explore real-world topics in personally meaningful ways, preparing them for a future of active learning, inquiry-based education, and the skills to analyze problems and craft innovative solutions.
Empowers’ contribution not only supports the Walk-A-Thon but also bolsters our commitment to fostering a generation of inquisitive minds, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow with creativity and confidence. We are grateful for Empowers’ partnership in advancing our school’s mission and empowering our students. Together, we are shaping the future of education.